Family Service

The Sunday Page! Learn or Review with your kids!

NEW SERIES: Bible Blockbusters

Families, gather around and enjoy this service together. Watch the video and then use the discussion questions below to have a conversation about the lesson.

Week 1 of

Bible Blockbusters!

Parents, whether your kids are attending church, or worshiping at home online - this page is FOR YOU as well as for them! Watch with your kids and then use the discussion questions below to have an intention conversation on the week's lesson. If your kids attend Highpoint Church with Pastor Karl, it's a great review! If not, welcome! And we hope you'll have a great time learning about Jesus!

If you enjoy these services, let Pastor Karl know. Your feedback is always encouraging!


Sunday's Video:

Director Gary Crant is interviewing actors for his next Big Bible Blockbuster movie! Who is it this week?
In this first Bible Blockbuster lesson, we are learning the about the REAL "Big Bang." Scientists who don't believe it God claim there was a "Big Bang" and the galaxy just magically appeared. Even a kid can tell that's silly. The world came in to being when GOD our CREATOR spoke it in to existence!

Enjoy this Classic Toybox Tale by Pastor Karl where a magician tries to create Something from Nothing, which of course, isn't possible!

Learn it - Live it!

This weeks Blockbuster Lesson:

God created the whole world! You can read about it in the first chapters of the Bible! Go ahead and read Genesis chapters one and two. Have you ever played with a hula hoop? Mom or dad, show off your ring!  A ring is infinite. It has no beginning or end, or just goes and goes and goes and goes and goes (say this a LOT of times until the kids laugh and get it).

This is called an ATTRIBUTE OF GOD. During this series, we are going to be learning 8 different Attributes of God – or 8 things that make God amazing and awesome and above anything we could ever be. If you can memorize all 8 Attributes of God, we’ll have a special prize for you at the end of the series!
This week we are learning that our CREATOR GOD is INFINITE – meaning He has no beginning or end.
Why is this important?
Have you ever seen a business card? A lot of people hand these out to quickly explain who they are or where they work, and how to reach them. They are also known as a “Calling Card.” The Earth is kind of God’s “Calling Card.” God left it to show who He is, what he can do, and how to reach him.
READ: Romans 1:20 For since the creation of the world, God’s invisible qualities — his eternal power and divine nature — have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuse.
God could have made the world boring and completely practical, but instead, He made it absolutely AMAZING and INCREDIBLE. Why? I think it was because He wanted people to notice it and want to meet the Creator who made it – and (more importantly) who made THEM. Every time you learn about a marvelous animal, a spectacular planet, or wonderful facts about volcanoes or rivers or forests or mountains, don’t forget they are to remind you of our AMAZING CREATOR.
God is INFINITE. But what does that mean?
The very first words in the Bible are so important. It says, “In the beginning God...” Everything has a beginning. Everything is caused by something at its start. A race has a start or beginning. A story has a beginning. A book has a beginning. A movie has a beginning. YOU have a beginning. The world has a beginning. Everything has a start or a beginning. Everything has something or someone that started it, and everything has a cause. You got here because of your parents, and they because of their parents and they because of their parents and it just keeps going back... but how far back? Well, back to the very first parents... Adam and Eve. They had no parents. They were created by God. God was their Heavenly Father. Everything is caused by something, but it all goes back to something, or someone. Every played with dominos? Once you tip the first one, each one after that tips the next one. They each cause the next one to tip. If you have some dominoes, get them out and have fun playing with them! What makes the first one go? You! (or someone!) That person is called the first cause. In our world, GOD is the First Cause. He is the one that started it all. No one made God, or they would be God, not Him.

God is the First Cause because He has ALWAYS existed. That is hard for even adults to understand or think about, but we call that being INFINITE

MOVIE PROP: The Camera

Did you know our life is a story and it is being recorded? Someday, the story of our life will be told. What kind of story do you want it to be? Adventurous? Exciting? Romantic? (The kids will groan!) Do you want it to be a tragedy? No! Do you want a happy ending? Do you want it to involve a band of friends who overcome great hardships, beat the enemy, and are victorious over great odds? The secret is to live for God! If you live for Jesus, your life will be filled with adventure and drama and excitement and great characters – and while there will be ups and downs, it will have a happy ending!

READ: Jeremiah 29:11 about the plans God has for their lives and Philippians 1:6 about how He will carry it on to completion until the day Jesus returns! Keep in mind that everything you do and say is being recorded. Be sure you are living your life in a way that would please God. You wouldn’t want to be embarrassed by what He sees!


If viewing on a phone, download the image below so you can enlarge to see the conversation guide better. (Best viewed on a computer.)
Use the graphic above to further engage with the lesson.  Feel free to download it to your phone or device to use at meal time or on the go! There is a summary of the lesson and application, verses to look up and some DISCUSSION ideas. Make it count!

Here is the THEME VERSE for the Month.  Work on MEMORIZING it:

We are memorizing Revelation 4:11 this  month.



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