Sunday, August 28th, 2022

Every HERO has a JOURNEY. So do you.

During this series we are learning about the AMAZING JOURNEY of one of the GREATEST HEROES of the Bible - Joseph. Through many challenges, Joseph never lost sight of the promise God made to him as a child. He kept his focus on God and experienced the REWARD of a life lived faithfully for God through the difficult times. We can experience the same if we will stick with God when the going gets tough!
We love blockbuster movies! And the biggest and most successful movies feature a hero we can cheer for. If you pay close attention to these epic movies, you’ll begin to notice a pattern to them. The hero doesn’t just show up and “save the day.” There is usually a journey that the hero must go on before they are ready to be the hero we long for in the story. While each story is different, there are some aspects of this journey that appear in almost every hero story. We'll be exploring those in this series and what we can learn from them.


Joseph Trusts God While in Prison

READ ABOUT IT: Genesis 39:20-23
No hero starts out at the place of fame and glory. They always have a "low point" in their story where their character is tested and who they REALLY are is revealed. It is during those times that they become strong on the INSIDE so that in time, their OUTER strength can be used when the time is right!

The Heavenly Rewards GAME SHOW! 
Episode Four: Sacrifice

Why do you think both Molly AND Stan won? Things weren’t looking good for Joseph when we left him last week, but as we’ll soon seen, he decides to put others first and God is going to reward him.


The Hero’s Trial
Blockbuster movies are usually epic! And the biggest and most successful movies feature a hero we can cheer for. If you pay close attention to these epic movies, you’ll begin to notice a pattern to them. The hero doesn’t just show up and “save the day.” There is usually a journey that the hero must go on before they are ready to be the hero we long for in the story. While each story is different, there are some aspects of this journey that appear in almost every hero story.
ACTIVITY: Stand Up or Sit Down
Joseph’s life sure has been a roller coaster! Have the kids STAND UP for something that is an “UPPER” stage in his life and SIT DOWN if it is a “DOWNER” stage in his life. Parents, read these facts, and have your kids "Stand Up" or "Sit Down" if it is true or false!

  • He was the favorite kid of his dad! (Up)
  • His brothers hated him for it. (Down)
  • His dad got him a special coat made of many colors. (Up)
  • His brothers hated him even more. (Down)
  • He got to stay home while his brothers went off to work. (Up)
  • He went to visit his brothers and they decided to kill him. (Down)
  • Reuben said “Let’s not kill him”. (Up)
  • So they sold him as a slave. (Down)
  • His slave master was a good man. (Up)
  • Soon he was in charge of the entire household of Potiphar. (Stay Up)
  • Then Potiphar’s wife flirted with him and accused him of attacking her when he ran
    away. (Down)
  • He did what was right and obeyed God! (Up)
  • And got thrown in jail for it. (Down)
And that’s where we find ourselves today in our Hero’s Journey. He has been through The Hero’s Calling, Plight, and Test, and now he will face the Trial. There seem to be a lot of DOWNS. But things are about to go UP again!
There is good news in the weeks ahead as we learn about The Hero’s Hope, The Hero’s Triumph, The Hero’s Return and The Hero’s Legacy... but we have to get through this Trial first.

After running from Potiphar's wife, Joseph found himself in jail. Remember when he was a slave? What did he decide to do?
READ Colossians 3:23-24 (Below)

What happened when Joseph had this attitude as a slave? (Let the kids respond.) So what happened when he had this same attitude again? (Let the kids respond.) When Joseph became a slave, he decided to be the best slave he could be, and rose to be in charge of the whole house. Then, when he was put in prison unfairly, instead of pouting or complaining, he again decided to be the best prisoner he could be, and soon was put in charge of the entire prison. He realized that even though he was in prison, he was never a prisoner, because he was with God. You can be FREE no matter where you are if you are walking with God.
READ: Joshua 1:9 (Read below)
It’s not that Joseph was happy or excited or enjoyed being in prison... of course not! But he was choosing to trust God and believe that God was up to something that he just couldn’t see. Joseph knew he was in a bad place, but he also knew that he served someone higher and greater and more powerful than even the Pharaoh of Egypt. He served the King of Kings and Lord of Lords, for he served God.
READ: Jeremiah 42:11 (Read below)
Keep in mind, we all know where this story ends, but Joseph didn’t know that. Sometimes, God wants to see if we will be faithful where we are before he lifts us to something greater.
READ Luke 16:10 (Read below)
As we know, God had a BIG PLAN for Joseph. He was teaching Joseph skills in Potiphar’s house and in the prison that he would need later. Joseph couldn’t see that, but God could. Joseph was also showing God that he would be faithful, he would work hard, he would be honest, and he would do his best wherever he was, no matter what. Those were skills God needed for the BIG JOB God had for him down the road.
Whatever you might go through, keep in mind that God may be testing to see if you have what it takes to be faithful and dependable, and He also might be teaching you valuable skills that you will need later to accomplish what He has planned for you!
FAMILY ACTIVITY: Blind Folded Guide
PREPARATION: You’ll need some candy or other prize to give the participants, blindfolds, and some obstacles items, such as game cones, boxes, or other larger items
PLAYING: As a family, set up some obstacles in a wide open room. Choose one person to be blindfolded first and another to be a guide for the one wearing  the blindfolded through the obstacle course you have made - stepping over things, ducking, moving side to side, etc. to get through to the reward (candy or prize). You can’t touch your helper, but they can give verbal instructions, move right, left, jump, duck, etc. The rest of the family can give "wrong" instructions!
THE POINT: God guides us through the tough times, but we have to be listening to Him and obeying Him so He can guide us through. If we will trust and obey, we will be rewarded. We need to ignore other voices that seek to mislead us!


Use this PYRAMID to discuss the lesson as a family! If you want to re-play the game, compete as a family and build PYRAMIDS with plastic cups!

This weekly guide will give you some Scriptures to look up, family discussion questions and more so you can learn more about our Rock Solid Adventure from The Outpost this week!

If you are catching up, here is the link to NEXT WEEK.




ATTENTION: If you enjoy these online lessons, please DROP PASTOR KARL a quick note - it will make his day!