The LORD of the KINGS!

A Toybox Tales Easter Series.

Enjoy a CLASSIC Toybox Tales series that Pastor Karl filmed back in 2003! Ask your parents what they were doing in 2003. LOL

Episode 1: The Rise of the Son

(Parable of the Easter Story)  Join King Theos, of the Theologians, King Apollos, of the Apologists, and King Stephen, of the Proclaimians, three Kings of the Realm of the Great King Adoni, as they race to Mount Golgotha to fight Darth Hideous -- a King once known as the Mighty Lucifer, who has rebelled against Adoni, and appointed himself the Lord of the Kings, and defeated the the one and only Son of Adoni!  Or did he??

Episode 2: The Enemy of Your Enemy

(Parable of the Conversion of Saul)  The story continues as King Theos, King Apollos, and King Stephen travel throughout the Realm of the Great King Adoni spreading the news that Darth Hideous has been defeated and is on the run.  They encounter a fierce Enemy, the Incredible Bulk, locked in a containment cell.  He claims to have turned to the good side and asks to be released, but they don't believe him, but what happens when another enemy comes along they can't defeat? And the enemy within the cell becomes their only hope of survival?  Could an enemy become an ally? Could their fiercest opponent become a leader for the King!?  What do you do when the enemy of your enemy is no longer your enemy?

Episode 3: The Discourager

(Story of Barnabas, the Encourager)  In this third installment of the Lord of the Kings Saga, the Kings of the Realm encounter a gentleman calling himself, The Discourager.  He is clearly superior to them in technology and forces them to lay down their weapons, however, he offers each a challenge that if passed, he will allow them to continue on their journey.  Before continuing on their journey, our heroes must face the gigantic Spike, the B-Rex, and a fierce R.O.U.S. Discouragement is overcome with Encouragement!

Episode 4: The Sword of the Lord

(Being Willing to Ask for Help)  The Lord of the Kings. Through a vision the Kings of the Realm are sent to retrieve the Sword of the Lord from the Rock of Rimmon, however when they get their it is trapped under the heavy rock. Despite their best efforts they can’t move the rock until a strange visitor appears asking them for help.

Episode 5: The Sword of the Lord

(Size Matters Not!)  The Kings of the Realm are traveling through the Kingdom telling others about the King’s Son. As they reach a distant area of the Realm where the news of the Son’s victory over Darth Sidious has not been heard, a small but mighty warrior confronts and then joins them. But when they face a most powerful towering foe, all run in fear but the most unlikely hero who shows that courage always prevails over unworthy foes.

Episode 6: To The Ends of the Earth

(The Importance of Missions)  In this final episode of the Lord of the Kings, our traveling kings have finally reached the farthest place in the realm where they encounter a native who does not speak their language.  It seems there is no hope of being able to communicate and tell this man about the King of Kings until a Missionary comes along and learns the language!