Family Service

Sunday, February 14th, 2021

Families, gather around and enjoy this service together. Watch the video and then use the discussion questions below to have a conversation about the lesson.

Welcome Back!


Parents, whether your kids are attending church, or worshiping at home online - this page is FOR YOU as well as for them! Watch with your kids and then use the discussion questions below to have an intention conversation on the week's lesson. If your kids attend Highpoint Church with Pastor, it's a great review! If not, welcome! And we hope you'll have a great time learning about Jesus!

If you enjoy these services, let Pastor Karl know. Your note will encourage these to continue in 2021!

Sunday's Video:


Here is the THEME VERSE for the Month. Work on MEMORIZING it:

We will me memorizing Psalm 1:1-3 over the next two months. Here are the verses we are working to memorize this month. How are you doing?

To the right is the TAKE HOME sheet from church that you can use to further  

Are you working on memorizing the Books of Da Bible? You'll get your NAME and PICTURE on our Wall of Fame!
Use the graphic to ABOVE to further engage with the lesson.
 Feel free to download it to your phone or device to use at meal time or on the go! There is an activity, verses to look up, a fun challenge and some DISCUSSION ideas. Make it count!

Here are the Books of the Bible videos are using on Sundays to help learn the Books of the Bible.

Be sure to come back NEXT WEEK for another fun video!

Didja miss last week? There is a FUN Magic Show to enjoy!