Welcome to PastorKarl.com

NEXT WEEK we kick off a NEW FOUR WEEK Easter Series called UNDEFEATED!

 It's a Ninja Themed Series, Following in the Way of the Master Jesus.  At Highpoint this weekend, we are doing a Kick-Off Week, Bible Ninja Warriors, but there is no online video for this week. Instead, below is a "rerun" of a fun Outpost lesson from a few years ago that kids still talk about. ("When Gus was wrapped in bubble-wrap!") Or, click around the site, there is lots of content to explore if you've never ventured off the Sunday Lesson page!

This is a SPECIAL SUNDAY EDITION! If you enjoy these services, let Pastor Karl know. Your note will encourage these to continue in 2021!

Sunday, March 7th, 2021

Enjoy a CLASSIC Outpost Lesson from a few years ago!

Baby Moses and the Croc!

Here is the "scary video" seen in the lesson above in case the kids want to watch it again full screen instead of small like it is in the video above.


Next week we launch a NEW SERIES called UNDEFEATED and kids will be challenged to memorize John 3:16-17 during the series, here are the verses if you want to get a head start! (You can see an overview of the coming series at Kidology.org/undefeated)

Be sure to come back NEXT WEEK the first week of UNDEFEATED!

Didja miss last week?