Sunday, April 26th - Family Service

Families, gather around and enjoy this service together. Watch the video and then use the discussion questions below to have a conversation about the lesson.
To Eternity and Beyond - Lesson Two
Designed for churches who are going online for services - this is for the kids!
LESSON TWO: Prayer - Our Communication System
Enjoy this fun 15 minute video in a large group setting, or send the link below to parents to view at home.
BIG IDEA: Prayer is how we keep in touch with God!
SCRIPTURE: Jeremiah 33:3

Parent Discussion Guide:

Here are some discussion questions you can use in the classroom or at home to have some guided conversation on the video lesson. As kids listen, offer a treat or prize for the review questions they remember to encourage active listening! Thanks for joining Kids Church Online!

  1. What system went down this week? (The Communication System)
  2. What is our Communication System in Life (Prayer)
  3. What is prayer? (Talking and Listening to God)
  4. Fill in the blanks: Before I Go I _______, Before I Run I _____
   (Stop, Walk – from the worship song)
  5. Do you remember the Bible Verse from 1C-29? (Jeremiah 33:3)
  6. Karl said that “Communication grows _______.” (Friendships)
  7. When praying, how can we remember what to P.R.A.Y. for?
(The letters of PRAY remind us of 4 things we pray about.)
    • P = Praise (Thanks and Honoring God)
    • R = Repent (Saying we are sorry for sin)
    • A = Ask (For our needs and desires)
    • Y = Yield (Let God have His way in our life)
  8. How did Captain Karl and Space Ranger Micah escape the asteroid field? (They played the game Asteroids!)

  • When do you pray the most? When could you pray?
  • What is something we can Praise God for?
  • What do you think it means to Yield to God?
  • Look up Jeremiah 33:3 and read it together. Memorize it!
  • Do you have any questions from the lesson today?