Family Service

Sunday, May 31th

Families, gather around and enjoy this service together. Watch the video and then use the discussion questions below to have a conversation about the lesson.

Final Lesson in Current Series: Extreme Bible Dudes!

LESSON THREE: Extreme Faith - Peter  (30 minute video)
SUMMARY:  Tune in to the Extreme Home Sports Network to watch the Extreme Taco Building Competition between Maniac Micah and Crazy Karl! Kids will also  learn about Peter, who remains the all-time iunfeated champion of Extrreme Water Walking! God rewards extreme faith!
BIG IDEA: We can do amazing things when we focus on Jesus!
SCRIPTURE: Philippians 4:13

Parent Discussion Guide:

Here are some discussion questions you can use in the classroom or at home to have some guided conversation on the video lesson. As kids listen, offer a treat or prize for the review questions they remember to encourage active listening! Thanks for joining Kids Church Online!

  1. What Extreme Sport did Maniac Micah and Crazy Karl play?
(Extreme Taco Building)
  2. Who won the competition? (It was a tie!)
  3. Who was the Extreme Bible Dude? (Peter)
  4. What “extreme” character trait did he display? (Extreme Faith)
  5. What he do to show his extreme faith in God? (He walked on water when Jesus called him out of a boat.)
  6. Why did Bibleman show up in the Toybox Tale Bible Story? 
(There were 13 disciples! LOL)
  7. Do you remember the Bible Verse? (Philippians 4:13)
         Can you quote it?
         What do you think about it?

  • What was your favorite part of the video?
  • If you could invent an extreme food – what would it be?
  • How would you describe “bravery” to someone?
  • Look up Philippians 4:13 and read it together. Memorize it!
  • Do you have any questions from the lesson today?

A CHALLENGE: Memorize Crash’s poem:
Take a look, in the book,
Every day and it will say,
Something new and something true,
Straight from God, Straight to you!

Be sure to come back NEXT WEEK for another Family Service!