Family Service

Sunday, July 12th, 2020

Families, gather around and enjoy this service together. Watch the video and then use the discussion questions below to have a conversation about the lesson.

Current Series: A Word with Wilbur - Wisdom from the Book of James

Parents, as church is re-opening, instead of full length kids church services, Pastor Karl is creating a new video every week that will be used both during the live, in-person service at his church, as well as here on PastorKarl.com for families who are unable to attend in-person, as well as for kids all over the world to enjoy!

Family Discussion Ideas:

  • What have you built that required instructions?
  • What you ever tried to skip instructions? What happened?
  • Have you ever had to start over because you didn't start out right?
  • Did you like Noduh the Wise One? What is something he said that you liked?
  • What is our "Instruction Manual" for life?
  • Can you give an example of the difference between being "smart" and being "wise?"
  • What did Noduh say is foolish?
  • What did James say a person is like who reads the Bible but doesn't apply it?
  • Why do we sometimes have problems in life that could have been avoided?
  • How often do you read the Bible? Could you read more often?
  • Do you remember the Bible verse?
  • What did Wilbur say we can do to take the Word into the World?
  • Take a minute as a family to pray and ask God to give you wisdom. It's a prayer he promises to answer!

Here is a Bonus Video from Pastor Karl to watch and discuss:


Be sure to come back NEXT WEEK for another fun video!

Didja miss last week?