Family Service

Sunday, September 27th, 2020

Families, gather around and enjoy this service together. Watch the video and then use the discussion questions below to have a conversation about the lesson.

CURRENT SERIES:  A Word with Wilbur - Imagination Time Machine Interviews with Bible Characters in the Old Testament!

THIS WEEK: Meeting the Divided Dudes! - God Loves Unity

Parents, as church is re-opening, instead of full length kids church services, Pastor Karl is creating a new video every week that will be used both during the live, in-person service at his church, as well as here on PastorKarl.com for families who are unable to attend in-person, as well as for kids all over the world to enjoy!

Family Discussion Ideas:

  • If you could travel to place on the planet, where would you go?
  • If you started your own country, what would it be called?
  • Have you ever gotten into an argument that started small but quickly grew too big?
  • Why do friendships seem to take so much work to keep healthy.
  • What do you find yourself fighting about with siblings or friends?
  • Who did Wilbur interview through time? (Dudes from North and South)
  • The kings had funny names, Rehoboam and Jeroboam. What would your name be in Bible Times?
  • How would tell two upset friends to make up and repair the friendship? What should they do?
  • Do you have any friendships or relationships that need some repair?
  • Do you remember what the Bible verse was about?
  • How would you explain that verse to someone?

Here is a Bonus Video from Pastor Karl to watch and discuss:

One of the reasons we sometimes don't get along, is we don't have a postive image of ourselves. In this silly video, the Scooby Gang is invited to the Forbidden Forest by Dr. Norbeckenstein, whose guests are being scared off by rumors and sightings of a giant scary monster in the woods! The not-so-scary monster is captured and learns to accept how God made him and teaches us the same. When we learn to accept ourselves, we'll find it easier to get along with others too.
NEW: Pastor Karl has launched a new Podcast called: Pastor Karl's Bedtime Stories! It is available on Apple Podcasts and Google Play. (OR, if you have Alexa, just say, "Alexa, play Pastor Karl's Bedtime Stories on Apple Podcasts" - and yes, you can listen at any time of day, it doesn't have to be bedtime!)

Be sure to come back NEXT WEEK for another fun video!

Didja miss last week?