The EPIC Adventures of Moses!

In this series we are following the Adventures of Moses as he was used by God to accomplish a Mission for God. He didn't always make the right choices, but in the end, he accomplished his mission because God never gave up on him!


Dads, Moms, Kids - use this page together to review or further explore what was learned at church, or if you weren't able to get to church today, then you can learn and live it out at home! After all, the Church is wherever you are! LET'S GO!


It's time for the Robot Shuffle! As you see the choices, if you like "A" better, go touch the RIGHT wall of the room. If you like "B" better, go touch the LEFT wall. If you like them the SAME lay on the floor. For the last choice, choose the one you think is BETTER!

Just for Fun:

(Answer at bottom of page.)



After Moses married Zipporah, he became a shepherd for his father-in-law, Jethro. Forty years later, when Moses was 80 years old, he led his flock near a particular mountain. Suddenly, off in the distance, he saw that a bush was on fire, but somehow, it wasn’t being burned up.

He went closer so he could see it better. When he got close, he heard a voice start speaking from out of the bush! He quickly knew it was the voice of God!

God called to him from out of the bush. “Moses, Moses.”

He stepped back. “Yes, I’m here.”

“Don’t come any closer. Take off your shoes. You’re standing on holy ground.”

As Moses took off his sandals, the Lord said, “I’m the God of your fathers – the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob.”

Moses covered his face because he was afraid to look at God. The voice continued. “My people are suffering in the land of Egypt. It’s time to deliver them out of their slavery. I’ve selected you to lead them back to the land of Canaan. Therefore, go back to Egypt and talk to Pharaoh.

Moses was terrified! He had fled Egypt after committing a crime! “Oh Lord, not me! I’m not the right one to lead the Israelites out of Egypt. I’m not able to talk to Pharaoh.”

God was patient with Moses. “I’ll be with you. When you think of this mountain, you’ll remember that I sent you. Go to Egypt and bring my people back here to worship.”

Moses said, “But if I stand before the people and say, ‘the God of your fathers has sent me to you,’ they’ll say, ‘What God? What’s his name?’ What should I tell them?”

God said, “I Am Who I Am! Tell them ‘I AM’ sent you to them. I am the God of Abraham. I am the God of Isaac. I am the God of Jacob. The people will listen to you, but Pharaoh won’t. Therefore, I’ll strike him with a hard blow. When I’m done, he’ll finally let my people go.”

Moses still hesitated. So, God said to him, “What’s in your hand?”

“Oh ... it’s a shepherd’s staff,” Moses answered.

“Throw it on the ground,” commanded God.

Moses threw it on the ground and instantly it became a poisonous snake! Moses jumped back in fear. Then God said, “Reach out and pick up the snake by the tail.” Slowly, Moses grabbed the tail of the snake and instantly the snake once again became a shepherd’s staff. God said, “Put your hand inside your shirt.”
Moses did, and when he pulled it out it was covered with leprosy. “Put your hand back in your shirt.” He did, and when he pulled it out, the leprosy was gone. God said, “Show the people these signs and they’ll believe you.”

But even with these miraculous signs, Moses was not done making excuses. “Oh, Lord, I’ve never been able to talk well. I have a speech problem.”

“Moses, who made your mouth? I’m the one who causes a person to be deaf, mute, blind, or seeing! Go, and do as I say. I’ll help you talk and teach you what you’re to say.”

Moses, still lacking the courage to obey, bowed his head. “Lord, I just don’t want to go. Please send someone else.”

With this, the Lord became angry. “Your brother Aaron is coming to meet you. He speaks very well. Take him and go to Egypt!”

So Moses went to Jethro and asked permission to return to Egypt. Moses and his brother Aaron would go together. Having his brother to help him turned his cowardice into courage.

To be continued next week...


  • What would you think if you saw a bush on fire that wasn't being burned?
  • What is something amazing you have seen with your own eyes?
  • Have you ever been asked to do something you thought was to hard for you?
  • What are you super good at?
  • What are you not-so-good at?
  • Do you think God could use you to do something AMAZING for Him?
  • If you could team up with someone to serve God, who would you pick?
  • If you could be a missionary or go into ministry, what could you see yourself doing for God?

Some Verses to Discuss:


Here is the MAIN POINT of the lesson today:


Here is the verse we are working to memorize this month:


DO ON SCREEN OR PRINT IF YOU'D LIKE. Here you will find discussion questions, verses to look up, our memory verse and more.
Links to other weeks during MISSION MOSES: Mission 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9
Answer to STAR WARS quote is: Shmi Skywalker
ATTENTION: If you enjoy these online lessons, please DROP PASTOR KARL a quick note - it will make his day!