The EPIC Adventures of Moses!

In this series we are following the Adventures of Moses as he was used by God to accomplish a Mission for God. He didn't always make the right choices, but in the end, he accomplished his mission because God never gave up on him!


Dads, Moms, Kids - use this page together to review or further explore what was learned at church, or if you weren't able to get to church today, then you can learn and live it out at home! After all, the Church is wherever you are! LET'S GO!


It's time for the Robot Shuffle! As you see the choices, if you like "A" better, go touch the RIGHT wall of the room. If you like "B" better, go touch the LEFT wall. If you like them the SAME lay on the floor. For the last choice, choose the one you think is BETTER!

Just for Fun:

(Answer at bottom of page.)



A long time ago, in a church far far away, Pastor Karl made this video in kids church. I think you'll like it:


Pharaoh had finally let God’s people go! They were heading out into the wilderness! As they journeyed, God led them by what appeared to be a pillar of fire during the night.

The fire became a pillar of cloud during the day. God didn’t lead them straight to Canaan along the most direct route but took them out into the wilderness toward the Red Sea. He told Moses to have the people camp at a certain location next to the Sea. He said, “I’m going to make Pharaoh stubborn one more time, and he’ll chase after you. After that, the Egyptians will know that I am the Lord.”

Pharaoh saw that the Hebrews had gone toward the Red Sea and would now be hemmed in and vulnerable. He thought they were trapped and decided he wanted his slaves back. He said to his servants, “Why did we let our slaves go? They should be here, serving us.” So he took his army and chased after them. The people of Israel saw this and yelled at Moses.

“Why have you brought us here to die? If we were still serving the Egyptians, they would let us live. But now, because of you, we’re about to die.”

Moses told the people, “Don’t be afraid! Watch and see what God is about to do. He’ll fight your battle for you. Look at the Egyptians! You’ll never see them again after today.”

God said to Moses, “Lift your shepherd’s staff into the air, and point your hand out over the sea. The people of Israel are going to the other side – on dry ground.”

Then the pillar of cloud that was in front of the Israelites moved behind them – between them and the Egyptians. It stayed there the rest of the day and into the night. Moses pointed his hand toward the sea. And when he did, God caused a strong wind to sweep back the waters, so they formed a wall on the right side and on the left. And then the wind blew on the path between the two walls for the rest of that day and into the night – until the ground became dry.

That night, God told Moses and the Israelites to cross over to the other side, using the path between the walls of water. The people moved across the sea throughout the night.

Once they were across, God allowed the Egyptians to chase after them, using the same path. When the Egyptians were in the middle of the sea, God caused them to be totally confused, and their chariot wheels started to break. The Egyptian army saw the seriousness of their situation. They began shouting at each other, “Run! The Lord is fighting for the Israelites!”

They turned and tried to run for safety. That’s when God said to Moses, “Point your hand out over the water once more.” So Moses pointed his hand toward the sea just as the sun was about to come up. Suddenly the walls of water crashed together, covering the entire Egyptian army. Not one of them survived! The Israelites watched the power of God from the other side of the sea. And as the sun rose that morning, they saw the dead bodies washed up on the shore.

Then the people worshiped the Lord with singing. They had seen the power of God and believed in Him, and they believed in His servant Moses.

To be continued next week...


  • Have you ever faced a challenge that looked "impossible?"
  • What is something you find really really hard?
  • Can you think of a time you know God helped you with something?
  • Is there something right now you need God's help with?
  • Share something you worry about, and then everyone pray for the person on your left.

Some Verses to Discuss:


Here is the MAIN POINT of the lesson today:


Here is the verse we are working to memorize this month:


DO ON SCREEN OR PRINT IF YOU'D LIKE. Here you will find discussion questions, verses to look up, our memory verse and more.
Type your new text here.
Links to other weeks during MISSION MOSES: Mission 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9
Answer to STAR WARS quote is: Yoda
ATTENTION: If you enjoy these online lessons, please DROP PASTOR KARL a quick note - it will make his day!