The Great Rescue!

JESUS, the First Responder!

In this series we are learning about how JESUS, the very First Responder came to Save us, Heal us, Equip us and Send us!


Dads, Moms, Kids - use this page together to review or further explore what was learned at church, or if you weren't able to get to church today, then you can learn and live it out at home! After all, the Church is wherever you are! LET'S GO!

7-1-1 Bible Emergency?

When we have an EMERGENCY, we call 9-1-1, but who do Bible Characters call? They call 7-1-1. Listen in on these Bible Emergency Calls and see if you can figure out who called for help in the Bible!

This week we learned about how JESUS was dispatched to the Cross.

For God so LOVED the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him, will not perish, but have ETERNAL LIFE.  John 3:16

God saw that we were in trouble because of our sin, so He sent Jesus to SAVE US!

Jesus took our place so that we would not have to die for our sin - pay the punishment we deserve for our sin - and He took it upon Himself FOR US.

While we were still sinner, Christ did FOR US. Romans 5:8
You might not have a cell phone, but I bet your parents do! When 
we can get into trouble and find ourselves in need of help,
 it can be just a call away! In fact, that help can be
just three numbers away. Do you know what those three numbers are?  Of course, they are 9-1-1.

We call 9-1-1 to get rescued. Did you know that all of us are in need of RESCUE?
READ: Romans 3:23 and Romans 6:23
The Bible tells us that all of us have sinned (disobeyed God) and because of that, we are in danger of God’s Judgement. That’s bad news! But there is GOOD NEWS too! The Bible also tells us about a CALL that we can make to be SAVED! But it’s not a phone number; it’s a CALL to God!

READ: Romans 10:13 “Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.”

Why does CALLING ON JESUS save us? Because Jesus came and took our place! We deserve
to die for our sins, but Jesus took our place.

READ: 2 Corinthians 5:21 God made him who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God.

How many of you have a brother or sister? If you don’t have a sibling, imagine a good friend. Now, imagine if YOU got in trouble for something and your parents let you know what your punishment is going to be. You are guilty – you DID do it, and you deserve whatever the punishment is. You’re bracing for the punishment when suddenly one of your siblings (or a friend) lets you know they will take the punishment for you. How cool would that be? Do you think they would do that for you? Probably not! But that is EXACTLY what JESUS did for us!

READ: Romans 5:7-8 Very rarely will anyone die for a righteous person, though for a good person someone might possibly dare to die. But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.

Have you been rescued by Jesus?
If you haven't, it’s as easy as A – B – C:

The "A" is ADMIT you NEED to be rescued! You know that you have sinned and need a Rescuer!

The "B" 9s BELIEVE that Jesus came and took your place to rescue you from the consequences of sin by taking your place!
The "C" is simply CALL on Jesus to save you! Make the Call! Simply ask Jesus to save you! It really is that easy!

We have a lot of respect for First Responders. When we are in trouble, they are the ones we call, right?

Jesus is the Ultimate First Responder, because when we are in ultimate trouble – for our sin – we can always call on Him to help. Jesus not only helps us, but HE SAVES US. He gave up His very life for us! But because He is the Son of God, He didn’t stay dead! No way. He proved He has the power over death itself. We’ll explore that more next week!


Here is the verse we are working to memorize this month:


DO ON SCREEN OR PRINT IF YOU'D LIKE. Here you will find discussion questions, verses to look up, our memory verse and more.
Check out THE GREAT RESCUE -  WEEK 1 - WEEK 2 - WEEK 3 - WEEK 4 
ATTENTION: If you enjoy these online lessons, please DROP PASTOR KARL a quick note - it will make his day!