Family Service

Sunday, October 18th, 2020

Families, gather around and enjoy this service together. Watch the video and then use the discussion questions below to have a conversation about the lesson.

NEW SERIES! Spooky Stories of the Bible!

THIS WEEK: Death Must Run, When It Meets God's Son!

Parents, whether your kids are attending church, or worshiping at home online - this page is FOR YOU as well as for them! Watch with your kids and then use the discussion questions below to have an intention conversation on the week's lesson. If your kids attend Highpoint Church with Pastor, it's a great review! If not, welcome! And we hope you'll have a great time learning about Jesus!

FIRST: Read the Bible Story in Luke 7:1-17

(Link opens in a new window, or use your own Bible.) For some Spooky Fun, read in the dark with a flashlight!

SECOND: Opening Discussion Questions:

  • Name some people who have authority over you.
  • What miracles did Jesus do in this story?
  • The first miracle Jesus didn't even have to go anywhere, why?
  • Why did the Centurion say Jesus didn't need to come to his house? (A, B, C or D?)
    A. Because it was messy and he would be embarrassed?
    B. Because it was too far to travel too.
    C. Because there wasn't enough time.
    D. Because Jesus was so powerful, He could just SPEAK it and it would happen.
  • What is a widow?
  • Why do you think Jesus raised the widow's son right there at the funeral?
  • How do you think the people there reacted?
  • What can we learn from these two stories?
    • Jesus has power over death!
    • Jesus has all authority.
    • Jesus cares about people.
    • When we have needs, we can ask Jesus for help!

THIRD: Watch the "Mr. Bones" Review Video!

FOURTH: Application Discussion

  • What is something YOU are praying for God to change?
  • When is it hard to believe that God cares for you?
  • We often notice the things God hasnʼt done for us (that we want). Share some things that God has done for you, that you may not have even asked for, because God noticed that you needed them.

FIFTHR.I.P.  (Respond in Prayer)

Dear God,
Thank you so much for showing us through the life Jesus lived on earth, that you have absolute power over the trials of life – even over death itself. You hear our worries, like you did for the Centurion and his servant, and you respond to faith, like you did for him. But you are also watching our lives and see our needs and do things to help us, even when we donʼt ask, like you did for the widow who had lost her only son. Help us to notice and be thankful when you do things in our lives to help us out. Give us the sense of peace you promise when we present our requests to you in prayer. As we see a world that is more and more obsessed with evil and doesnʼt know the answers to questions about life and death, we are so thankful that we have the Bible that gives us the answers we need. Help us to live according to the answers it provides.

In Jesus Name, AMEN!

Below is our THEME VERSE for the Month, work on memorizing it!

BONUS VIDEO: Last week I did a magic trick in Kids Church that the kids really enjoyed, so I filmed it this week so our online kids can see it as well as parents can see it too. It's called "MY PLANS vs. GOD'S PLANS!"
Sometimes God says, "YES!"
Sometimes God says, "No."
but, sometimes God says, "Wait, I've got something Bigger and Better in mind!"
Whether it was Jairus' daughter or Lazarus' friends, sometimes what looks like a "no" is actually a "wait," God's plan is bigger and better!
THEME VERSE: We'll be memorizing this verse this month! YOU CAN DO IT! Just write it out somewhere or download this image.

Wanna stay up a little later at bedtime? Just say, "I wanna listen to Pastor Karl's Bedtime Story!" How could your parents say no?

NEW: Pastor Karl has launched a new Podcast called: Pastor Karl's Bedtime Stories! It is available on Apple Podcasts and Google Play. (OR, if you have Alexa, just say, "Alexa, play Pastor Karl's Bedtime Stories on Apple Podcasts" - and yes, you can listen at any time of day, it doesn't have to be bedtime!)

Be sure to come back NEXT WEEK for another fun video!

Didja miss last week?