The EPIC Adventures of Moses!

In this series we are following the Adventures of Moses as he was used by God to accomplish a Mission for God. He didn't always make the right choices, but in the end, he accomplished his mission because God never gave up on him!


Dads, Moms, Kids - use this page together to review or further explore what was learned at church, or if you weren't able to get to church today, then you can learn and live it out at home! After all, the Church is wherever you are! LET'S GO!


It's time for the Robot Shuffle! As you see the choices, if you like "A" better, go touch the RIGHT wall of the room. If you like "B" better, go touch the LEFT wall. If you like them the SAME lay on the floor. For the last choice, choose the one you think is BETTER!

Just for Fun:

(Answer at bottom of page.)



When the Israelites got to Mount Sinai Moses went up on the mountain to communicate with God. God wanted to give His people some very important information so they could start their nation. But Moses ended up being up there with God for forty days and forty nights. The people grew restless and impatient, and finally they went to Aaron and said, “We don’t know what’s happened to Moses. Make us a god we can see, one that will be with us.”

So they gave Aaron their gold jewelry, like necklaces and earrings, and he melted them down. He then formed the gold into the shape of a giant calf, like the statues the Egyptians had worshiped back in Egypt. The people were happy with this and said, “This is the god who brought us out of Egypt!” They started to sacrifice to it and then had a giant feast. Afterwards they celebrated with a wild party.

On the mountain, God said to Moses, “Go down to your people, the ones you brought out of Egypt. They’ve corrupted themselves and turned away from what I told them to do. They’ve made an idol and bowed down to it with sacrifices. Step aside and don’t stop Me. I’ll destroy them and make your descendants into a great nation.”

Moses pleaded with God, “Don’t be so angry with your people, the ones you brought out of Egypt with a mighty hand. If you destroy them now, the Egyptians will laugh and say you brought them here to kill them. Remember your promise to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. You said their descendants would inherit the land and become as numerous as the stars in the sky.”

So the Lord listened to Moses and didn’t destroy the people. Moses then went down the mountain with the two stone tablets God had given him. But Moses got very angry when he saw the golden calf and the dancing and celebrating for a fake god. He threw the two tablets down and shattered them on the ground. He took the golden calf and burned it in a great fire, ground it to powder, put it in water, and made the Israelites drink it. Then Moses said to Aaron, “Why did you make this golden calf? Look at the people! See how it has caused them to go into deep sin?”

Aaron said, “Please don’t be angry with me. You know how wicked these people are. They said, ‘Make us a god.’ I told them to give me their gold. I threw it into the fire and ... out came this calf!” Aaron made this lame excuse because he was afraid.

Moses then stood at the gate of the camp. He saw how the people were still out of control. He shouted, “Those who are on the Lord’s side, come and stand with me!” The sons of Levi separated themselves from the rest of the people and stood with Moses. The Lord then commanded them to strap on their swords and fight against those who refused to stand with Moses. Three thousand men died that day.

Afterwards, Moses called the people together and said, “You have committed a great sin. I’ll go before the Lord, and maybe I can make an atonement for you.” With that, he went back up the mountain to pray on the behalf of God’s people who had chosen to panic rather than be patient and trust their God who had done so much for them over the years.

To be continued next week...


  • When do you get impatient?
  • Have you ever felt like God let you down?
  • If God were to say you treat something as more important than Him, what would it be?
  • How can we show God that He is the most important person in our life?
  • Why do think God sometimes makes us wait to get what we want? What benefit is there to that?
  • What are you praying for from God? Take some time to pray together.

Some Verses to Discuss:


Here is the MAIN POINT of the lesson today:


Here is the verse we are working to memorize this month:


DO ON SCREEN OR PRINT IF YOU'D LIKE. Here you will find discussion questions, verses to look up, our memory verse and more.
Links to other weeks during MISSION MOSES: Mission 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9
Answer to STAR WARS quote is: Anakin Skywalker
ATTENTION: If you enjoy these online lessons, please DROP PASTOR KARL a quick note - it will make his day!