Family Service

Sunday, October 4th, 2020

Families, gather around and enjoy this service together. Watch the video and then use the discussion questions below to have a conversation about the lesson.

NEW SERIES! Spooky Stories of the Bible!

THIS WEEK: Have No Fear! Jesus is Here!

Parents, whether your kids are attending church, or worshiping at home online - this page is FOR YOU as well as for them! Watch with your kids and then use the discussion questions below to have an intention conversation on the week's lesson. If your kids attend Highpoint Church with Pastor, it's a great review! If not, welcome! And we hope you'll have a great time learning about Jesus!

FIRST: Read the Bible Story in Luke 8:40-56

(Link opens in a new window, or use your own Bible.) For some Spooky Fun, read in the dark with a flashlight!

SECOND: Opening Discussion Questions:

  • What miracle did Jesus do in this story?
  • Do you rember the name of the man Jesus' helped? (Jairus)
  • What did he ask Jesus to do? (Heal his daughter)
  • How old was she? (about 12)
  • Did Jesus say he would help her? (Yes)
  • How did Jesus get delayed on his way to the girl's house? (A woman touched Him and was healed)
  • Someone came from the girl's house with bad news, what was it? (The girl had died.)
  • True or False: Jesus said, "Phoey, I guess I'm too late. Sorry about that." (False!)
  • Complete this sentence, "Jesus said, 'She isn't dead, she is only _________________." (sleeping
  • What did Jesus say to the girl? ("My child, get up!")
  • What do you think of the story? What can we learn?
    • God can do anything!
    • Sometimes God's answers come later than we expect.
    • Sometimes God wants to do something bigger than we asked.
    • Jesus has power of death!
    • We should ask God for help when we are afraid.

THIRD: Watch the "Mr. Bones" Review Video!

FOURTH: Application Discussion

  • What are some fears that you or your friends face?
  • When we are afraid, what should we do?
  • Does it help you to know that Jesus is more powerful than death?
  • What you tell someone who shares with you something they are afraid of or about?
  • If you were that little girl, what you do tell your friends?

FIFTHR.I.P.  (Respond in Prayer)

Dear God,
Thank you so much for the story of how your son, Jesus, raised that little girl from the dead. It must have been so sad and scary for her parents to see her die – and then so amazing and wonderful to watch Jesus take her hand and speak to her and have her come back to life. It is even more amazing to think that we know this same Jesus, and He is here with us today and throughout our week. Any time we are sad or scared, we can call on Him to be with us and help us. When we have things happen that make us sad or see things that make us scared, remind us to have no fear, because Jesus is here!
In Jesus Name, AMEN!

Here is our THEME VERSE for the Month, work on memorizing it!

BONUS VIDEO: In this silly video, the Scooby Gang is invited to the Forbidden Forest by Dr. Norbeckenstein, whose guests are being scared off by rumors and sightings of a giant scary monster in the woods! The not-so-scary monster is captured and learns to accept how God made him and teaches us the same. When we learn to accept ourselves, we'll find it easier to get along with others too.
THEME VERSE: We'll be memorizing this verse this month! YOU CAN DO IT! Just write it out somewhere or download this image.

Wanna stay up a little later at bedtime? Just say, "I wanna listen to Pastor Karl's Bedtime Story!" How could your parents say no?

NEW: Pastor Karl has launched a new Podcast called: Pastor Karl's Bedtime Stories! It is available on Apple Podcasts and Google Play. (OR, if you have Alexa, just say, "Alexa, play Pastor Karl's Bedtime Stories on Apple Podcasts" - and yes, you can listen at any time of day, it doesn't have to be bedtime!)

Be sure to come back NEXT WEEK for another fun video!