Kids Under ConStruction!

Becoming Who God Made Us to Be!

In this series we will be learning the skills to help God form us into all He created us to be!


Dads, Moms, Kids - use this page together to review or further explore what was learned at church, or if you weren't able to get to church today, then you can learn and live it out at home! After all, the Church is wherever you are! LET'S GO!


Here is the FUN video we watched in The Outpost!

Here was the MAIN POINT for this week:

God is the authority in our life. His wisdom and direction have been incorporated in the plan for our life. Like we learned in week one, when blueprints are drawn they have to follow the rules in the code book. They have to comply with all the local rules, and the rules of the code book. When ever something is unclear we go back to the plans, and the code book for clarity.

The Bible has rules and guidance on how to live a healthy and successful life. When we are unclear on what we should do to follow Gods plan for our life, we can check the Bible! It contains all His "codes," and guidance.

An electrician often memorizes codes, but just knowing them is not enough. That's important, but it is more important that know how to USE the code book as a reference book. Following the codes is more important than just having the knowledge. Following them can actually saye their life. If you don't follow the code book, you can create a dangerous situation, either for yourself, or for those who may use the building later.

Sometimes a tradesman may not understand a code, that's why every code book has other “handbooks” you can get to expand on them. They are not to be used instead of the code book, they help explain what the code book is trying to say.

The same is true with Gods plan found in the Bible. Often we memorize Bible verses to help us remember how to live - but living them out is what protects us. And if we don't understand something, there are reference books we can check to help us understand the Bible more, or better. We should know how find the answers when we need them. The Bible has these same tools. There are Bible handbooks, dictionaries, atlases and more to help learn more about the Bible.

All these things help us learn more about Gods plan. Imagine a building that did follow any rules when it was built about what would to go inside of it? It would be a disaster. It would be bad enough to try and build a building with no blue prints. Of course, that would be a disaster. But imagine HAVING blueprints and ignoring them? That would be even worse!

The same is true with us! Yet there are people living their lives ignoring God's plan for their live. They HAVE the Bible, but they never even open it. And then they wonder why disaster comes into their life. All they had to do, was open and read the plans.

Its is not enough to know Gods rules, we have to follow them too. It is worse to know the rules and ignore them than to not know them.

Job 22:21 says “Submit to God and be at peace with him; in this way prosperity will come to you.”


Use these questions to discuss the lesson together as a family:
  • Have you ever built a Lego set? If so, which was your favorite?
  • Could you have done it without the instructions?
  • What do you wish there was a Lego set for?
  • Have you ever tried something without instructions and it went badly?
  • What is something you are really good at? Could you write out instructions for someone else to follow?
  • Why do we sometimes just jump ahead without reading instructions?
  • How is the Bible like instructions?
  • Why is it important to follow the instructions in the Bible?
  • What is an area of your life that you know you need to follow the Bible more?
  • Have you memories the theme verse yet? Work on it today!


Look these verses up and discuss together as a family:
  • James 4:7
  • Luke 22:42
  • 1 Peter 5:6
This is our THEME VERSE for the series, work on memorizing it together as a family!
ATTENTION: If you enjoy these online lessons, please DROP PASTOR KARL a quick note - it will make his day!